Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Rove Beetle Dermatitis Recovery

I kept a record of the wound healing of the rove beetle dermatitis on my right arm.

Day 1 : I only noticed it the morning I woke up. I had probably squashed the rove beetle on my arm sometime the previous day. Often the small rove beetle is nowhere to be found.

On the second and third day the inflammation actually increased. There was a burning sensation much like a hear rash over the lesion.

After 6 days a scab was formed and the surrounding erythema reduced.

After 8 days the skin started to peel.

After 2 weeks the lesion had nearly healed. There was still some lichinefication of the skin. All in all it took about 3 weeks for the skin to return to normal. Longer than I thought. However there was no permanent scarring.


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