Monday, October 16, 2006

Palm vs PPC for Doctors

Palm vs PPC for Doctors
Originally uploaded by DrChan.

I have been using my Treo 650 for 2 weeks already. Prior to this I was and still am using many pocket pc devices such as the Xda 2s and Dopod 838.

Both have it's strengths and drawbacks but I will try to highlight the main points in a few different posts.

Phone functions

Nowadays pagers are rarely used, instead sms and mobile phones are more convenient. In this respect, doctors need a reliable phone with a good battery life to get you through your 36 hour call.

If you do not mind 2 separate devices then a separate phone is always more reliable than a combination device. For example a nokia or sony ericsson phone paired with a Palm Tx or a Dell Axim would work well.

But the future is a combo device as we all want the latest gadgets and it is more convenient to carry one device and charger.

Generally I found the Palm Treo 650 to be quite stable and offers a good one handed experience. Sms management is also good with the sms being stored in a conversation type format. Paired with a bluetooth headset the Treo is also quite stable. In the WM5 Phone edition stability has improved a lot. The Treo seems a bit more snappy and intuitive in it's use. Lastly the battery life on a Treo seems to be better, lasting 2 days, wheres most ppc phones need to be recharged daily.


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