Wednesday, April 04, 2007

The Male Brain vs The Female Brain

1. Men's brains are larger, but as they age, they also shrink faster than women's brains. 2. Women's brains operate at a higher temperature, due to burning more glucose. 3. Women use more of their brains when they think. 4. In general, men are better at math and women are better at language skills....

6. The average man will think about sex as often as once a minute, while the average woman will think of sex much less often, as infrequently as once every one or two days. (Source)

7. Why do women always want to talk? Researchers have found that connecting with another through talking will trigger the pleasure centers in a woman's brain, a high second only to an orgasm.

Doc : Well Well Well...

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At 9:20 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

wheres number 5?????? it further proves that men are better at math then women.


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