Removing Fish Hooks...for Idiots!

This is the most common method, the String-yank method. (A) Wrap a string around the midpoint of the bend in the fishhook. (B) Depress the shank of the fishhook against the skin. (C) Firmly and quickly pull on the string while continuing to apply pressure to the shank.

Advance and cut method: single-barbed fishhook. (A) The fishhook is advanced through the skin. (B) The barb is then cut off and (C) the remaining hook is backed out through the entry wound.

Advance and cut method: multiple-barbed fishhook. (A) The fishhook is advanced through the skin. (B) The eye of the fishhook is then cut off and (C) the remaining portion of the fishhook is pulled through the exit wound created by advancing the point.
Source : American Family Physician
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