Friday, June 10, 2005

Doc's Tip No.3

PDA + PHONE COMBO or Separate Devices?
Being contactable is important for Doctors especially when you are on call. A reliable phone that does not hang or miss calls is essential. Therefore for Doctors I would recommend 2 devices instead of a convergent phone-pda combo. Currently most pdaphonoes are still buggy and prone to hang. If you are on call and your PDA dies, you can still rely on your phone. This is doubly true for battery life as all phone combos can barely make it through 1 day without a recharge. If you really must go for a phone combo, I would recommend the Palm Treo 650 which is quite stable.

  • Doc's Tip 1

  • Doc's Tip 2

    At 11:11 AM, Blogger Mollenkamp said...

    Have the prior Treo 300, and I love it except for the hanging up b/c battery died (exactly as you warn). Maybe Treo 650 is better.

    At 11:59 AM, Blogger Doc said...

    Basically if your pda phone gives up on you when you are on call...oh oh. Worse still sometimes you miss a lot of calls and not realise it.

    At 10:28 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

    after migrating from a Samsung mobile to an O2 mini; i am convinced a 2 phone platform is much needed.
    Battery life on O2 mini sucks and the speaker volume set at max is dismal.

    At 10:50 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

    I love my treo 700p. It has been very valuable in my anesthesia residency.

    At 10:11 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Hi Doc! I'm confused.  You have many different options on your website.I am a psychologist with multiple practice sites.  Right now the things I cart around with me are absurd, bulky, and heavy. I need help! I have an old phone without bluetooth...and with the new law now, I need a new phone; however, I also need to have access to med files, DSM, patient info, etc. I don't know what to buy since there are so many devices available...smartphones, pda/phone combos, UMPC, tablets, and so on. I need ease of use, portability, a lot memory, network, access to documents, epocrates...well, as a Doc I think you get the idea...and I need a phone...HELP...please. Thank you in advance!


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